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YUVO has been empowering its customers with innovative data-driven solutions backed by the latest technologies to provide valuable insights that best cater to their customers’ needs. YUVO’s intuitively designed solutions integrate intelligence, targeted platforms, and a team of seasoned experts to deliver outcomes that align with superior service experiences. In an exclusive written interview with Telecom Review, Ziad Tawk, Senior Project Manager at YUVO, tackled some of the key questions regarding the company’s operations.
In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Edgard Tawk, CEO and Co-Founder, Eurisko, expanded on the company’s core capabilities in leveraging AI to help enterprise businesses overcome digital transformation challenges.
In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Mohammed Al Ramsi, TDRA Deputy Director General for the telecommunications sector elaborated on the UAE regulatory body’s efforts in implementing frameworks that will ensure the telecom sector’s smooth pathway to excellence in a fast-paced digital era.